Brotherhood: The concept of Nation in Islam
Brotherhood: The concept of Nation in Islam Taran-e-Milli is a poem written by Allamah Muhammad Iqbal(May Allah have mercy on him) in praise of Muslim Ummah. One of the primary message of this poem lies in the fact that around the time Allama Iqbal(May Allah have mercy on him) written this Tarana-e-Milli his worldview had changed dramatically from the previous one when he had written Tarana-e-Hindi praising his homeland Indian subcontinent, now he viewed Muslim Ummah(Global Islamic community) above all and disapproved nationalistic world view, and this message is reflected all over the poem. He reflected that Muslims are members of one nation regardless of there physical location. And this is what should be the attitude of every Muslim, he should regard himself above all a Muslim, regardless of his physical location. No matter which country we live in, first and foremost we are Muslims, and then Pakistani, Afghani, Turki...